IT consultancy for IT functions
Why entrust IT functions to an IT consulting company?
1. A mix of specializations
Every computer scientist, no matter how good, will hardly be specialized in every single aspect of the IT world. Relying on a heterogeneous team means being able to draw on a wide range of knowledge and specializations. We think only of our reality: in addition to IaaS and PaaS services, we manage antivirus and backups, we assist in case of problems with Microsoft Office, we provide complete assistance services. These are very varied themes that require a certain degree of in-depth analysis. These are very varied themes that require a certain degree of in-depth analysis.
2. Compliance with SLAs
Starting a collaboration with an external company means having the guarantee of seeing the service metrics respected. How much time will elapse between the request for intervention and the resolution of the problem? How many times in a year can a malfunction occur? It’s all information put on paper, called SLA conditions, which are nothing more than service level agreements. Agreements that take place before the departure of the service so as to allow the customer to evaluate the quality on the basis of real data. How many hours during a week / month / year do you spend on activities other than those for which you were employed in the company?
3. Password: strategy!
In today’s businesses, IT operations can’t just “fix” corporate hardware. This is even more true with the introduction of the Cloud. An IT partner must necessarily have the Cloud computing skills turning them into one of the keys to business development. The IT figure, very often, sits at the table of corporate decision makers: introducing new technological tools, improving processes and advising changes in the management of the IT park, impact on the performance of the company itself. It is a profound change:from the simple receipt of the request for intervention to a proactive role.
4. We know you and your story well
It is no coincidence that an IT partner who fully covers all the IT aspects of a company is called a “partner”: he knows your history, your needs, your growth desires well. Having to deal with the same interlocutor guarantees a sort of continuity in the management of business aspects,proposing the right measures and increasing a sense of trust.
5. Less downtime
Imagine you are dealing with an IT problem for the first time. How long does it take from the problem to be solved? To get there, it will probably take several attempts. Having an IT partner means approaching problems with the right knowledge, solving them at the first attempt.